Positive Parenting Awareness Video Scotland (Translations Available)
Hitting children is not acceptable. There are better, more constructive ways to educate and discipline children. This three-minute animation aims to raise awareness on positive parenting practices and encourage community discussion and reflection. Free to use by individuals, community activists and practitioners working with marginalised or newly settled communities in Scotland: (1) Positive parenting – Scotland (English) – YouTube
Created by BAME community activist women in the UK with the Women’s Support Project, funded by the Labyrinth partnership.
This film is available in the following languages: Arabic, English, French, Lingala, Swahili. All versions have English subtitles.
Kupiga watoto haikubaliki. Kuna njia bora za kuelimisha na kuadabisha watoto. Igizo la dakika tatu la kuongeza ufahamu na kuhamasisha majadiliano na mabadiliko ya kijamii. Swahili: (1) Positive parenting – Scotland (Swahili) – YouTube
Kobeta bana ezali mabe, pe endimami te. Lolenge mosusu malamu yako bokola ezali ko teya nabgo, ko kebisa na nzela ya etumbu to pe ko pesa lisipilini. Bililingi oyo ya miniti misato. esalami pona boyebisi, pe bolamusi makanisi ya bato kati na masolo na mayangani. Lingala: (1) Positive parenting – Scotland (Lingala) – YouTube
Frapper les enfants n’est pas acceptable. Il existe des moyens plus efficaces et plus constructifs d’éduquer et de discipliner les enfants. Animation de trois minutes pour sensibiliser et encourager la discussion et la réflexion communautaires. French: (1) Positive parenting – Scotland (French) – YouTube
ضرب الأطفال امر غير مقبول. هناك طرق أفضل وبناءة لتعليم وتأديب الأطفال. كارتون مدته ثلاث دقائق لزيادة الوعي وتحفيز المجتمع على النقاش والتفكر بهذا الامر. مجاني لاستخدام للاستخدام من قبل الأشخاص وللنشطاء والنشطاء المجتمعيين وممارسي المهنة في هذا المجال ومن يعمل مع المجتمعات المهمشة او المستقرة حديثاً في المملكة المتحدة. Arabic: (1) Positive parenting – Scotland (Arabic) – YouTube