Women and girls are experiencing violence and abuse right now.
- 1 in 3 women will experience abuse in their lifetime.
- 85,000 women are raped in England and Wales every year.
- 1 in 4 children and young people experienced physical abuse over the year.
- 1 in 10 of all recorded offences in London are domestic abuse related.
Our Strategy
Solace futures – Our strategy for 2022-27
In March 2022, Solace launched our new strategy “Solace Futures – Safety, Support & Recovery from all forms of abuse.
Solace Futures is designed to deliver our strategic vision for the next five years. We are building on Solace’s 46 years of providing specialist, holistic support services for women and children. We are ambitious and want to drive change at every level to ensure that everyone lives healthy and independent lives free from violence, abuse and exploitation. The strategy was developed following a series of workshops with staff and service users and includes our new vision, mission and values.
In the strategy, we have identified 6 six key strategic objectives to achieve our vision and mission over the next five years:
S – Strategic Influencing, Partnerships & Leadership
O – Organisational Development & Growth
L – Long-term Recovery and & Lasting Change
A – Accessibility, Education & Employment
C – Children & Young People
E – Empowerment, Engagement & Aspirations
These objectives will also be underpinned by three intersecting principles: intersectional feminism, partnerships & collaboration and being service user and evidence led.
Our Impact
We work tirelessly to ensure that every woman and child can live safe lives, free from violence and abuse.
- Our work touched the lives of 22,254 people
- We supported 13,361 adults and children in our frontline services
- We worked with 7,893 people in our prevention services
- Solace runs 22 refuges with space for 178 rooms for women and children
- 93% rated there was a continued need for Solace services
- 88% of service users rated Solace services as excellent or good
- 91% of service users said they found it easy or very easy to make initial contact with our services
- Our Accommodation service supported 949 women
- We worked in partnership with 55 organisations across London
- We trained 2,898 people to recognise and respond to abuse
- Our volunteers gave 5,336 hours that made all the difference
- We raised an income of 15.2 million.
(All figures above are based on our work in 2022/23).