Campaigning for safe lives for women and girls. A young black woman in a red camisole and black leather jacket with her hair up in a bun stands in front of a blurred house of parliament

Campaigning for safe lives for women

Building safe lives and strong futures for women and girls.

Awareness Campaigns & Awards

Our award winning campaigns tackle the biggest VAWG issues at their core to spread awareness and drive change.

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woman smiling

Our Ambassadors & Media Stories

Read Solace's stories from survivors, ambassadors and supporters.

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Joan and Bunmi hugging

Our policy priorities

Solace Women’s Aid’s vision is of a world where women and children live their lives free from all forms of male Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG).

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Economic Abuse

Cost of Living – Our Key Asks to Government

As one of the largest providers of services for survivors of male violence, Solace is concerned about the impact increased costs on energy bills, food and housing across London.

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woman and window

Safe housing for survivors

Domestic abuse is a leading cause of homelessness in the UK.

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The Domestic Abuse Act

The Domestic Abuse Bill received Royal Assent on the 29 May becoming an Act of Parliament and bringing in important new laws in England and Wales.

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Rough sleepers census

Women’s Rough Sleeping Census

Collecting more comprehensive data on women experiencing rough sleeping.

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Rough sleepers census

First National Census of Women Sleeping Rough

Working to deliver the first national census into the scale of women’s homelessness.

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It was really helpful to talk to you on the phone. For the first time, I have the feeling that someone can hear me and understand what I have experienced with my ex-partner. This raises some hope in me – the hope to get my strength and my children back.

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