Solace Accommodation
Solace provides safe refuge and move on accommodation to hundreds of women and children made homeless through domestic or sexual abuse.
Our staff provide skilled, specialist support for women and children across our refuges and accommodation services, enabling them to address both their practical and emotional needs during this difficult time of transition. Support is also provided to ensure women and children are safe and their core needs are met in relation to finances and welfare benefits, housing – especially move-on accommodation, legal matters, immigration issues, health, education, training and employment.
We manage 22 refuges offering 178 rooms across 7 London boroughs for women and children fleeing abuse who need a safe place to stay in a crisis in order to recover from their trauma and rebuild independent lives.
Our specialist multiple disadvantage refuge in Camden offers 24-hour support to women with mental health needs and problematic substance use.
We also provide second stage dispersed accommodation and specialist support services. The Amari Project provides 2nd stage accommodation for women who have been sexually exploited through sex work or trafficking and the Rhea project which provides immediate temporary, crisis emergency accommodation for women and children in Southwark.
Solace Woman’s Aid Refuge Referral Form
You can refer yourself or if you are a professional you can refer using our referral form here:
Solace Woman's Aid Refuge Referral Form
To find out more about our refuges watch these short films:
If you are considering moving into a refuge – watch now
If you are considering referring a woman into a refuge – watch now
If you are thinking about working in a Solace refuge – watch now
women and children supported across our refuges and Accommodation Services