Welcome to our Champions Network
The aim of the Champions network is to provide training to people and organisations who want to be able to give support to women experiencing domestic abuse and sexual violence alongside raising awareness of the issue.
You might want to join as part of your role at work, community group, organisation or perhaps you are an individual who believes, like us, that no woman should experience violence and abuse. You might be a survivor or know someone who is affected and would like to understand how to safely provide support.
Whatever your reason the champions training programme and network will give you the confidence and knowledge to do just that.
I really enjoyed this very interactive training and found it informative and engaging
Participant, Solace training – Supporting children and young people affected by domestic abuse
What’s the issue?
We know that domestic and sexual abuse affects everyone, across all communities and that coming forward to seek help can be so difficult. This was why we began to create champions, training people from across sectors to be equipped to spot the signs of abuse and take action.
“If you do a frontline role, you will undoubtedly work with people who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, domestic abuse. It’s therefore essential that you know how to help survivors.”
Ellie, Family Support Worker
What’s a Champion?
Over the past 5 years, over 400 people have completed our 3 day, CPD accredited champions training programme, from across sectors including mental health, housing, social care and education. They have developed the skills and confidence to spot the signs of domestic abuse, work with survivors, and take the lead in shaping their organisation’s response, helping more survivors to access the support they need sooner.
“I now feel confident when dealing with anyone who may have experienced domestic or sexual violence. I know how to use an open minded approach to help the person to explore their feelings and, with permission, seek advice or make a referral to services to support their needs”
Hommie, Family Services Manager
What’s the network?
The learning for champions doesn’t stop there. Once they have completed the training, they will have access to our online portal, regularly updated with resources, news and further training opportunities. Our quarterly networking events provide an opportunity to continue their learning through meeting with other champions, sharing best practice and attending workshops.
Our champions make a difference, shaping the way organisations respond to domestic abuse, acting as a point of contact for colleagues and survivors, raising awareness about domestic abuse, and supporting survivors to safety.
How can I get involved?
If you are interested in developing a champion’s programme in your organisation, contact us at training@solacewomensaid.org
We look forward to hearing from you, together we can make a difference to the lives of survivors in London.
Solace training now available remotely!
In order for us to be able to continue to support people to be able to spot the signs of abuse and respond to the needs of survivors, we’ve moved our training online. All of our training courses are now available to be delivered via video conferencing to groups within organisations, and our upcoming open training will take place online. Take a look at the courses on our site, find out more about our free webinar series, and contact us at training@solacewomensaid.org to find out how we can support you.