This is a guide to collecting and analysing data with particular relevance for women’s organisations. This document is part of a collection of resources aiming to provide a gateway to…
Centre of Excellence Type: Guide
Guide to Project Planning and Evaluation Part 3
This is a guide that supports women’s sector organisations in commissioning an independent evaluation. This document is part of a collection of resources aiming to provide a gateway to up-to-date…
Guide to Project Planning and Evaluation Part 2
This is a guide to collecting and analysing data for the evaluation of projects in the women’s sector. This document is part of a collection of resources aiming to provide…
Guide to Discrimination Law Legal Aid
This legal guide provides an overview of whether you are eligible for discrimination legal aid for issues at work and what evidence you will need in order to apply. Rights…
Guide to Special Measures in the Criminal and Family Courts
This legal guide gives information about the practical steps the court can take to help you attend court and give evidence if you are a victim of domestic abuse or…
Guide to Supporting Survivors with Learning Disabilities
These guidelines outline the signs of domestic abuse that are specific to women with learning disabilities and the specific barriers they face in making disclosures. The guide also includes top…
Guide to Domestic Abuse Injunctions
This legal guide provides information about the protective orders available through the criminal courts and Family Court. This guide has been developed by Rights of Women as part of the…
Guide to Marketing through External Channels
This introductory guide aims to provide practical tips for charities to gain local and international media coverage. This includes how to approach TV shows and radio stations and how to…
Guide to Improving Service Provision for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Survivors
This good practice guide outlines what specialist services, statutory agencies, local and national government must do to ensure that Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) victims and survivors of domestic abuse…
Guide to Social Media Marketing
This introductory guide gives an overview of the main social media platforms that can be used to market charities and what can be achieved by using them effectively. Find links…