From today – we’ll be sharing quotes from stage directions, casting calls and TV and Film blurbs on our social media platforms, highlighting how many seem to create women as a passive object with little volition.
Stories matter and who tells them and how we tell them matters. Sexism and stereotypes impact on us consciously and subconsciously – creating expectations of what it means to be a woman or a girl.
We want you to join in, share our socials, and be part of this conversation – because this might seem like a trivial subject for a feminist domestic abuse charity to be focussing on, but it’s anything but, how we depict women and girls really matters.
Because women are not cyphers, we’re not passive objects – and every three days a woman in the UK is killed by a partner or former partner, and the trauma of abuse can have a lifelong impact – and that’s not trivial – and it shouldn’t be considered ‘normal.
We don’t want to stop being entertaining, and we don’t want to stop telling stories about violence against women and girls – we just want to ensure that they’re not prurient or exploitative and that we’re not adding to the problem.
Keep an eye out on our socials this weekend and share! |