With partners across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the Labyrinth Project aims to support women’s spaces and services to help them, and the women they support, to emerge stronger from the damage that the pandemic is having on women’s lives. The range of free workshops and training offered by Labyrinth seeks to strengthen the capacity of the women’s sector and individual women. All sessions take place online and existing knowledge is not necessary.
Meet our training partners
Working Chance
Working Chance provides training for professionals and volunteers, as well as group workshops for service users focused on employability. Topics covered include practical advice such as CV and interview techniques, disclosing criminal convictions, and workplace skills.
Sign up to Working Chance training
Surviving Economic Abuse
Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA) delivers training and online workshops for professionals, volunteers and service users on debt, finances, and economic abuse along with online support guides. Additionally, SEA provides access to the Financial Support Line, which provides general money advice to those residing in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Sign up to Surviving Economic Abuse training
Rights of Women
Rights of Women delivers training to professionals supporting women survivors of domestic abuse on a range of legal topics, including sexual harassment in the workplace, coercive control, and family law legal aid.