Latest updates: The census was completed in October 2022. The resulting report by researchers Praxis Collab was published on 9th March 2023 and sets out key findings and learnings from this first-of-its-kind census.
In October 2022, a core team of organisations delivered a London Women’s Rough Sleeping Census, aiming to collect more comprehensive data on women experiencing rough sleeping and trial a different method of data collection. The census was planned and coordinated by the Women’s Development Unit (The Connection at St Martin’s and Solace Women’s Aid) Single Homeless Project, and St Mungo’s, with the support of London Councils, GLA, the Life Off the Streets Core Group/Women’s Workstream and DLUHC. Thank you to the many teams and practitioners who helped to make this happen.
Can you help us evidence the extent of women’s rough sleeping?
You can access the survey and all the resources needed for taking part in the census via the link here.
Research, lived experience and the experiences of services tell us that women are some of the most vulnerable within the rough sleeping and homeless population, yet we also know that women are under-represented in rough sleeping statistics and provision.
The Women’s Development Unit is part of the Life Off the Streets women’s workstream, which has been tasked with organising a women’s census, aiming to better capture data about the extent of women’s rough sleeping. The census is being delivered by a sub-group led by the Women’s Development Unit, SHP and St Mungo’s and has the support of DLUHC, the GLA, London Councils and the Life Off the Streets Core Group.
The methodology used will differ from the normal snapshot count in recognition of the fact that women sleep rough less visibly and are less likely to meet outreach teams as a result.
We hope the findings will tell us about the scale of hidden rough sleeping among women; services they have encountered prior to rough sleeping; and the needs of women. This data will help to increase understanding of women’s experiences and inform future provision.
This will take place across a full working week 3rd-7th October.
We are working collaboratively with organisations across London to help deliver this work. Can you be involved?
On this page we will post updated information, guidance and training sessions over the next months.
Sign up to our mailing list to make sure you receive all the latest information, including how to get involved.
Watch the recorded information session on the census here.
This was delivered on 15th August. You can find the accompanying slides with information on what the census is, how it will work and how you can be involved here.
Watch the recorded outreach session on the census here, as delivered on 30th August. You can find the accompanying slides with information on what the census is, how it will work and how you can carry out your gender informed outreach shifts here.
The census team have produced guidance to support services to take part in the census:
Read our Gender-informed outreach guidance here for outreach teams planning their census shift. All those taking part in the shift should be familiar with this guidance.
Read our Survey guidance for non-outreach services for services who will be conducting the survey with their service users. All team members taking part should be familiar with this guidance.
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