National Women’s Centre for Excellence

The National Women’s Centre for Excellence is a collection of knowledge, evidence, resources and tools based on experience, by and for organisations within and supporting the women’s sector.

The Centre has been developed as part of the Labyrinth Project, a partnership led by Solace in conjunction with organisations across England, Northern Ireland and Scotland to support and strengthen the women’s sector, addressing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women.

This online repository aims to contribute to a stronger, better connected and more inclusive women’s sector nationally by sharing knowledge, resources, learning and best practice, and identifying core elements of effectiveness in strengthening the sector. While the Labyrinth project is time-limited, the Centre will continue its legacy, taking the learning as a starting point and creating a space to share information and evidence of what works that is readily accessible by women’s sector organisations, groups, and individual women. 

As shared knowledge is at the core of the National Women’s Centre for Excellence, we welcome contributions from professionals across the women’s sector. You can contribute by getting in touch via the button below.
