Maxine’s Career Progression

Maxine’s story – Via volunteering

I started at Solace as a volunteer in July 2022 (as a wiser peer Mentor) before becoming a permanent part-time employee in December 2023, and I actually still currently volunteer for wiser on my non-working day.

I joined the organisation because I was trying to find purpose and give something back, having had personal experience with the work that Solace does.

I was lacking in confidence and self-worth, but through volunteering, this began to change so when the job came up to become a resettlement worker, I applied. Even though I didn’t really believe I could get through the interview or get the job, especially with dyslexia and some memory issues, I wanted to try and push myself.

I was supported by my peer mentor, Eva, had received training with Solace, so combined with my personal experience, Solace saw I had something to offer.

I would say to anyone wanting to into a role after volunteering that you have to believe in yourself. You also that you have to keep showing up, be willing to listen, ask questions, be honest about what you need to learn, do all the training that is offered, be consistent and be you.

To find out more about our volunteering opportunities, click here