Sistah Space, the Hackney based charity dedicated to supporting African & Caribbean heritage woman and girls affected by domestic and sexual abuse, has been fighting for safe place to provide vital support to survivors. They are seeing record demand but Hackney Council have now locked them out from their current premises and are trying to force them to return somewhere that is unsafe.
Solace has always supported the valuable work of Sistah Space as the only specialist provision for Black African and Black Caribbean women in London. We have reached out to them directly as their situation has escalated and will support them however they would like to be supported. We are waiting to hear back and will be following the situation closely.
The ongoing battle they have faced is a disgrace, it is unacceptable and a resolution must be found so they can continue to do their life-saving work. It’s been one week since the eviction. Hackney Council must reconsider and allow Sistah Space access to their offices to let them continue vital work with survivors safely.
Find out more and take action
Sistah Space are calling upon Hackney residents to contact their local Ward Councillors to ask them to stop the eviction of Sistah Space.
Others can help by sending a tweet or email to the Mayor of Hackney and a tweet or email to the Mayor of London.
Visit the website here to find out more on how to take action –
Follow and support on social media
Sistah Space on Twitter – @Sistah_Space