This libel trial, focused on the reputation of one of the world’s most high profile and well known Hollywood actors will of course generate further global headlines.
The fact remains that Amber Heard was not on trial. She was a witness who claims she has been subjected to sustained violence and abuse during her relationship and marriage with Johnny Depp. Solace expects the media to refocus on the disturbing details that have emerged in court over the past few weeks. We know some sections of the media will pore over these details to generate further salacious and insensitive coverage, minimising violence against women and girls.
Solace calls on the media to show restraint and act responsibly in understanding the deep harm this type of coverage has on victims and survivors, especially in a week when England is due to go into a second Covid-19 lockdown, creating additional fear and risk for women trapped at home with their perpetrator. As always, Solace is here to believe and support victims and survivors of domestic abuse and violence against women and girls (VAWG) in our day to day work.