Hosting your own event is a great way to turn your favourite passion or greatest skill into something that can help and woman escape violence.
From the classic bake sale to hosting a pub quiz to performing in a drag show, there’s so many ways you and your friends can help support the women and children of London. Every £ you raise can go towards helping secure safer futures for women and girls.
Have a look a some inspiration
Our dedicated fundraising team are here to support you every step of the way. We can provide leaflets and other collateral, social media event promotion, fundraising kits, event speakers and training experts…whatever you need to help make your fundraiser a huge success! Contact the team at to let us know about your fantastic ideas and ask any questions.
Check out our Fundraising Guide
Setting up a Fundraising Page
We recommend using JustGiving to collect your donations quickly and easily online. Simply select “Solace Women’s Aid” as your beneficiary charity and the funds will go directly to us…no tricky admin needed. Then create your fundraising page detailing your event, why you chose to raise money for us and any pictures/videos you have. You can also post updates and connect your page to your Strava or Twitch profile.