Solace in Enfield (SASS)
The advocacy service accepts referrals from professionals, MARAC and we also encourage self-referrals to our duty helpline.
ISVAs are Independent Sexual Violence Advocates who are specialist advocates with specific knowledge around the Criminal Justice system (CJS) as it relates to rape and other sexual offences.
IRIS Advocate Educators work directly with GP surgeries providing training and a consultation service. The aim of the service is to improve safety through the minimisation of the risks. The advocate educators provide emotional and practical support to referrals which include, completing risk assessments, safety plans, signposting, safeguarding referrals where appropriate and additional support where required.
To be eligible for the service you must identify as female and be registered with an IRIS trained GP surgery within the London Borough of Enfield.
IDVA (Housing Support)
We have four IDVA’s, with one based at the ASB team in Enfield Council, who works primarily with permanent council tenants. IDVA’s accept cases that score 10 and above on the dash risk assessment. Cases that have been assessed as medium risk will be referred to our floating support worker where possible or to a specialised domestic abuse service in the community with the survivor’s consent.
Change in Challenge
The Change and Challenge team are part of Enfield Councils Early Help Team. We work with families to find solutions to concerns they are having and focus on preventing them from becoming more difficult to manage.
The family must meet at least 2 of the following criteria’s:
- child/children are regularly missing or excluded from school
- child/children have potential gang affiliation
- Support for families suffering domestic violence
- Young people who are receiving support from Enfield Council’s Youth Offending Unit
- Adult family members are out of work and need help finding a job
- Support for family members with a range of health needs
We aim to improve children’s behaviour and school achievement, support adult members of the family in take steps towards getting a job, training opportunity or accredited qualification. They may also benefit from improvements to their health and family relationships.
Professionals/agencies need to submit all referrals for Early Help through the Children’s Portal.
Children’s Centre
The Solace Children’s Centre support service provides free and confidential practical and emotional support and advocacy for families affected by Domestic and Sexual Abuse/Violence who have at least one child under the age of 5 years; including those who are receiving support and intervention from Enfield Children’s Social Care. The aim of the service is to support and empower families to take the steps needed to deal with any immediate risks and to be able to make safe choices in the future.
Professionals/agencies need to submit all referrals for Early Help through the Children’s Portal where it will be triaged and allocated to the service best placed to provide the support required:
Floating Support
Enfield Floating Support Service provides free and confidential advice, support and advocacy to women and girls over the age of 16 affected by domestic and sexual violence. We offer short to medium term support with a range of needs such as legal options, housing, benefits, financial issues, and emotional support.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Additional information
Service audience
Children, Women, Young women
Service provides
Advice, Advocacy
Service available in these London boroughs