Solace in Islington (SASS)


Our IDVAs offer information, advocacy and specialist services to increase safety and meet a range of needs – these can include ongoing safety concerns, emotional or housing support, legal options, reporting to the police, help around child contact, benefits and financial advice. IDVAs usually hold cases for 3 months but can work with clients for up to 6 months. IDVAs do not offer any therapeutic or emotional support. The service does not accept referrals for clients who have experienced historical abuse. Islington residents only.


Islington residents only. We work with 13 – 17 year olds in abusive relationships (including intimate partner relationships, CSE and gang exploitation). This is not a service for young people who have witnessed domestic violance in the home, but rather a targeted service for young people in abusive relationships themselves.


IRIS Services works in partnership with GP Surgeries and offer tailored training on the public health issue of Domestic Violence & Abuse (DVA). This service enables support to be offered to DVA victims at an early stage before the abuse becomes a serious risk to mental, emotional and physical health.

Duty and Assessment Workers

Islington residents only.

We provide consultations and advice to survivors and professionals. Duty and Assessment Workers also hold a small caseload of standard and medium cases. As per Solace Service Standards, we confirm receipt of referrals and attempt to contact the service user within 24 hours if the case is high risk and 48 hours if standard or medium risk.

Targeted Health 

Islington residents only. We work with complex cases with physical or mental health needs and work closely with Southwood Smith Centre.

We work with any risk. Available for consultations.

Targeted Child Social Care 

Islington residents only. We work with complex cases where CIN or CP are involved and work closely with CSC. Can work with any risk. Available for consultations. 

Targeted Housing

Sits in Housing and provides crisis intervention. We work with Islington residents and any service user fleeing to Islington and approaching Islington Council as homeless.

Sexual Health IDSVA Project

This provides one to one advocacy and support to survivors of sexual and domestic abuse, our IDSVA’s are based in CENTRAL NORTH WEST LONDON SEXUAL HEALTH CLINICS across Islington, Barnet, Haringey and Camden. You can contact us on 0203 007 0220


0203 7955 070

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm

Additional information

Service audience


Service provides

Advice, Advocacy, Emotional support, Homelessness support, Housing advice and support

Service available in these London boroughs
